Product Overview

Heaps Arnold & Heaps Ltd manufacture a wide range of Industrial Solder Products. Electronic Solder, Automotive Solder, Tinning Solder, Plumbing Solder, Jointing Solder and Lead Free Solder are suitable for use in many diverse applications.

Industrial Solder Products are manufactured to exacting standards using fully traceable feedstock material, ensuring our Industrial Solders comply with relevant British Standard requirements.

Below are a range of common Industrial Solders for general use in a range of market sectors. Other grades of Industrial Solder are available; please contact us for your requirements.

SOLDER GRADE D – 30/70 Sn/Pb/Sb
Tin Lead alloy specified as Grade D 30/70 Sn/Pb/Sb to BS219 and Alloy No.15 to BSEN29453. Melt range 185-250C.

SOLDER ALLOY No.23 – 99C Sn/Cu
Lead Free alloy ( tin /copper ) specified as Grade 99C to BS219 and No. 23 to BSEN29453. Melt Range 230-240C Available in tinmans sticks, blow pipe and bars.

SOLDER GRADE C – 40/60 Sn/Pb/Sb
Tin Lead alloy specified as Grade C 40/60 Sn/Pb/Sb to BS219 and Alloy No.14 to BSEN29453. Melt range 185-231C. Available in tinmans sticks and blow pipe

SOLDER GRADE F – 50/50 Sn/Pb/Sb
Tin Lead alloy specified as Grade F 50/50 Sn/Pb/Sb to BS219 and Alloy No.13 to BSEN29453. Melt range 183-216C. General purpose solder for plumbing, ideal for wiping and assembly. Available in tinmans sticks and blow pipe.

SOLDER GRADE H – 35/65 Sn/Pb
Tin Lead alloy specified as Grade H 35/65 Sn/Pb to BS219 and Alloy No.6 to BSEN29453. Melt range 183-245C. Available in tinmans sticks and blow pipe.

Tin Lead alloy specified as Grade KP to BS219 and No. 2 to BSEN29453. Melt range 183-190C. Available in tinmans sticks, blow pipe and bars.

SOLDER GRADE G – 40/60 Sn/Pb
Tin Lead alloy specified as Grade G to BS219 and No.5 to BSEN29453. Melt range 183-235C. Available in tinmans sticks, blow pipe and bars.