Lead has been used in the construction and building industry for hundreds of years, with Heaps, Arnold & Heaps being at the forefront of development of products for this sector. Our range includes:

  • Lead Sash Bars and Weights; lead counterbalances used in the manufacture of sliding sash windows
  • Lead Came and Decorative Lead Profiles; used in the art of stained glass and leaded light design
  • Lead Sheet; to BS EN 12588
  • Lead Bricks; either plain edge or interlocking lead bricks, manufactured to your project specification, used in the construction of lead lined treatment rooms, lead hutches or any type of project where lead shielding is required. Lead bricks are manufactured to the specifications in BS 3909, in pure lead or antimonial lead alloys
  • Lead Tubes; used in cable sheathing, nuclear hazard protection, radiation shielding, rainwater downpipes specifically in heritage projects
  • Lead Covered Copper; lead sheathed copper strip and wire, used in lightning/surge protection
  • Custom Lead Extrusions, Castings & Machining; our onsite tool, mould making and machining facility, gives us scope to manufacture lead products to your project specification